3 Job Search Tips You Need to Know in the COVID19 Era

Hey HR Caller Q:   “I’ve lost my job and it’s the worst timing ever.  How am I supposed to find a new job in this market?!”  

I’m hearing from many of you that you’re nervous about your job prospects and the pressure is on.  There is a lot of fear being stirred up by the news and current political climate that our future is uncertain and times are tough.  But what if you chose not to believe that? What if, instead, you believed this is the perfect time to get clear on what’s important for you moving forward in your life and your career and you can create it? If you’ve found yourself stuck, afraid to take action, and have created a story in your mind  that “now is not a good time to look for a new job” this HEY HR Q&A is for you!

Q:   “I’ve lost my job and it’s the worst timing ever.  How am I supposed to find a new job in this market?!  I am feeling like it’s very risky to put myself out there and apply for a Manager or Director level role – what if nothing comes up?” 

A:  Now is the perfect time to look for a new job.  Why?! Because the longer you wait to look the longer you avoid the process of addressing what’s required of you to land your next job.  The longer you wait to take action the longer you feel stuck.  When you wait, you’re inactive.  When you’re inactive, you are in your head.  When you’re in your head things tend to look and feel worse than they really are because fear lives in your head.  Yes, fear can show up to protect you, but from what?  Now is the perfect time to consider your options and prepare for your future from a place of security rather than scarcity.

By taking action you can gain clarity and that impacts your future, your options, and your personal sense of well-being.  If you’re finding yourself feeling defeated and believing now is a terrible time to look for a job I want you to consider that you’re missing out on testing the job market.  By not taking action, you’re not gathering information.

If you’re avoiding putting yourself out there because you believe jobs are scarce right now or you don’t know what makes you a valuable candidate, you’re taking yourself out of the running too soon. Here is what Own Your Worth clients have achieved this year…

? Six Own Your Worth clients since March of 2020 have negotiated raises in their current jobs, received salary market adjustments, and/or landed a new job with at least a 10% pay increase.

? One OYW client booked her first paid coaching client since launching her coaching business this year!  She realized, as a 2019 Activator client, that she was ready to quit her long time corporate career and she took the leap to let go of the path she’d been on for years.

You might be wondering how did all of this happen during a global pandemic and economic crisis? What do all of these clients have in common?  The answer is they all took action.  These worthy ladies were already in motion prior to the start of the market change! They’d already committed to taking action months prior to grow their career, negotiate, prepare, heal, and reflect.  The results they have seen are from actions already taken – and it didn’t take long!

It’s time to take the risk of hearing crickets when you apply.  It’s time to take the risk of interviewing and being the 2nd runner up.  It’s time to build your case and take the risk of asking for a raise and being told no.  By taking the risk (action), you’ll then be able to figure out what’s needed next based on the results you see.

So, here’s what you can do to take action and put yourself out there into the job market from a place of power rather than fear.  

  1. Make time to learn about yourself and be patient.
    What worked well in the job(s) you loved most?  What do you never want to experience again? How do you want to prioritize your family and career?  What do you need in order to do your best work? Take the time to better understand yourself, the job market by industry, and what you want next in a boss, a role, a salary, and a culture.  Prepare yourself for the interview before it arrives.  Know that it will come when you have clarity on what you want. You can prepare while you “wait” for the right job to present itself. Trust in the timing.
  2. Take intentional action.
    Apply to new jobs only if you feel excited and interested in the company and the role.  Reach out to former colleagues and have conversations to let them know what you’re looking for next.  Interview for a role you don’t feel qualified for or don’t meet all of the expectations. Ask for specific feedback if you become a candidate who doesn’t get the offer.  The best way to be ready to receive the job you really want is to put yourself out there and and try for it. With action comes clarity.
  3. Give and Receive.
    Job hunting can be exhausting in the best of times.  Prepare yourself for the long game.  It can be draining to put yourself out there, be vulnerable, ask for help, and wait for that “yes”.  So, give and receive.  Take care of yourself and know that receiving help gives the other person the gift of giving.  Balance your energy by giving to others in a way that you can.  Offer to review someone’s resume or make an introduction for someone in your network.  When you’re in the flow of giving and receiving, it will be easier for you to manage the ups and downs of the job hunting process.

Unless you put yourself out there – in the market-  you’ll never know what it will take for you to create the next job in your life. And I know that’s not what you want! You want a great job, a steady paycheck, and the security of knowing you can take care of yourself and your family. You want the freedom that comes with feeling supported, taken care of, and sure of your decisions.  You want to look forward to the future again.

If you want to change your future,  it starts today.  So what’s one thing you will do (or stop doing) that will support you in creating your ideal life and career?

Would you like support navigating the job market right now? 

If you’re feeling stuck but motivated to land your next ideal job in leadership, for a limited time I’m offering private coaching sessions to support you in taking intentional action in your career. Reach out to me directly and book a complimentary personal coaching session.  If you’re ready to do the work and are considering working together by joining The Activator Program starting this September, book your complimentary session on my calendar below.