Stay Focused or Take a Break? The Tug of War with Rest

Stay Focused or Take a Break? The Tug of War with Rest

What I’ve found to be true after more than five years of running my business, coaching clients, and keynote speaking is this: the more I expand, the more I require grounding. The bigger and bolder my dreams become the more necessary it is for me to rest,...
Own Your Value by Making These 3 Changes

Own Your Value by Making These 3 Changes

Do you want to earn more money, land a new job, or increase revenue in your business by the end of this year? If so, listen up. You were probably taught like me, that the path to success, wealth, and the respect you deserve is paved with keeping your head down,...
Time to Hug Your Inner Critic

Time to Hug Your Inner Critic

“Ashley, I think you’re being really hard on yourself” my EMDR therapist recently said to me.  And she’s not the first.  This is a common theme I hear from my therapists, healers, teachers, coaches, and friends.  How many times have you told a colleague, friend, or...
The Five Things Keeping You Stuck

The Five Things Keeping You Stuck

We all get stuck. Whether it’s our business, career, or personal life, feeling stuck shows up as exhaustion, avoidance, and uncertainty about our next steps. We often feel decision fatigued and paralyzed to choose. Feeling stuck can lead to us being extra hard on...