10 Reasons to Negotiate a Job Offer or Salary Right Now Are you looking for motivation to negotiate a new job offer in 2020? Or perhaps you’re ready to ask for a well deserved, long overdue pay raise now that your company has survived the initial wave of the pandemic....
How to Negotiate a Job Offer in the COVID-19 Job Market Are you having job offer negotiation jitters while interviewing for a new role? If you’re currently interviewing for a new job you may be wondering what type of negotiation power you have, if any, in the current...
Negotiation through Career Transitions and Maternity Leave [Detox & Chill Podcast] In order for us as parents to raise a generation of children who become adults who are present, considerate, and change agents for a better society, we ourselves have to be...
Why It is Too Late to Negotiate Salary after Receiving a Job Offer You’ve received a job offer and you’re ready to negotiate, woohoo! Now what?! If you haven’t already prepared to negotiate prior to receiving the offer, it’s too late and here’s why: you’re under...
Why a ‘No’ is Better than Not Asking for a Raise at All If you haven’t heard the word “no” when asking for a raise, you haven’t actually negotiated. I know, I know – this sounds harsh, right? The biggest fear holding you back...
Owning My Worth as a Future Working Mom! I’m celebrating! I’m about to become a Mom! While this is a very exciting time in my life, it’s also a time of uncertainty. So many changes are on the horizon and it’s yet another leap into the unknown. As a business owner,...
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