How to Ask for a Raise at Your Performance Review A question I’m often asked is “So, when’s the best time to ask for a raise at work?” While every organization is different, I typically don’t recommend that you wait until your annual performance review meeting to ask...
3 Win-Win Negotiation Skills Every Successful Leader Needs We all have a relationship with money, self-advocacy, and conflict, which means we all have a relationship with our negotiation skills. Do you know yours? Do you tend to avoid conflict? Do you procrastinate...
Advocate for Yourself at Work [Detox & Chill Podcast] All of your burning career negotiation questions are asked and answered in this highly actionable podcast interview! I share the real world language you can and should use when asked to share your salary...
3 Performance Review Tips for Employees Dreading your upcoming performance review? One of the most crucial components of managing and growing your career is to solicit feedback, honestly self-asses (not criticize), and discuss your performance, progress, and...
Knowing Your Worth, Entrepreneurship & Negotiation [Podcast Interview with Helen Ngo] I am so honored to have shared my insights on the importance of knowing your worth, communicating your corporate values, and the fear surrounding entrepreneurship with Certified...
5 Tips to Maximize Your Success as a Leader + My Success Story [Podcast Interview] In this episode Ashley shares with Christie the pivotal moments in her career that helped lead to her season of success, including the one thing that happened early in her career that...
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