Why We Need to Change How We Discuss Salary Expectations Whether you’re an employer hiring new talent or you’re an employee looking for a new job, I want to share my biggest pet peeve in the hiring process; discussing salary expectations and current pay in...
How Robin Yang Earned a 5-Figure Pay Raise [Case Study] Successful Woman in Tech, Robin Yang – received a $30,000 salary increase, a promotion to Senior Product Manager, and additional benefits as part of her total compensation package with her organization in...
Is Negotiation at Work Risky? Is negotiation at work RISKY? The short answer is – YES. As I share in my Tedx Talk, you have to be willing to walk away if you are ready to negotiate. The longer answer is this – negotiating is a leadership skill, and if you...
How to Overcome Your Fear of Salary Negotiation [Guest Interview] Do you wish you knew exactly what to say to your boss to receive a promotion and raise but the risks of negotiating your salary are holding you back? In a recent interview with Shannon O’Brien of The...
Are You Eligible for a Raise? Company Philosophies & Salary Bands Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with David Newkirk, CEO of Ethos Consulting and former Fidelity Executive to talk about negotiating and owning your worth. David is a seasoned business...
Own Your Worth Client Robin Yang featured on Good Morning America! Robin confidently broke through her glass ceiling AND was brave enough to share her story with Good Morning America for the world to see! Continue to article How did Robin earn a 5-figure pay raise?...
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