Elevating the Women of Color Entrepreneurs who Support Own Your Worth

Getting to choose who I work with is one of the many benefits of having my own business. This choice is an honor and it’s also a privilege. I would not have the life or business I have today if it wasn’t for the support of others. No one rises alone.

Over the years I’ve networked, asked for help, and paid money to surround myself with great people to learn and grow. Today, my personal “board of directors” includes business coaches, financial professionals, a Modern Day Shaman®, marketing, branding, and operations experts, numerous healthcare professionals (including therapists), and more.

Whenever possible, I’ve sought out the expertise of female entrepreneurs who are also women of color. I believe a crucial component to creating racial and gender equity at work is to bring awareness to and then change how we are spending our money. Black women in particular are leaving their corporate jobs to start their own businesses at the highest rate, however, they are still facing gender and racial pay gaps.

Although nearly half of the women-owned businesses in the US are run by minority women, Black women are still being denied access to capital.

Having access to money gives us options, choices, and the power to change our lives and the lives of others. We need to invest financially in making Black Lives Matter because Black women are worthy women.

So, today I want to highlight and amplify the voices of experts I rely on regularly who are also women of color.
These women may be behind the scenes to you, but they are integral to the success of Own Your Worth and I wouldn’t be here without them. They are worthy of being recognized front and center!

Anna Tsui, my first Business Coach.

@ms.annatsui – https://www.annatsui.com/

Anna’s coaching and energy work transformed me and my business. Anna’s gift is being able to help identify and heal our shadow – the place where our fear lives and self-sabotage reigns. Without her, The Activator, would never have been born. I’m going to share more about my journey working with Anna soon!

Stacey Shieh Lee, my bookkeeper and finance coach.

@Staceyshiehlee – https://www.solveyourbooks.com/

I hate spreadsheets. The very first thing I outsourced when I started OYW was my bookkeeping. I knew my weakness and I got support immediately! Working with Stacey has been priceless for my business. I actually love reviewing my P&L now that I understand the power of leveraging numbers and money to create a thriving business (and life). Stacey’s monthly support is what helps me to own my worth, by the numbers.

Christina Simpson, my employment lawyer.

@christinasimpsonesq – https://www.christinasimpsonlaw.com/

When I started my business, I knew I needed a lawyer who supported solo-entrepreneurs and understood the power of a good contract to protect my IP. There is so much value in having strong employment and client agreements in place! Christina supported me through the process of trademarking my business. She’s taken the time to understand the vision behind Own Your Worth and she is an advocate for solo practitioners.

Nicole Peterkin, my financial planner.

@peterkinfinancial – https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolepeterkin/

Nicky’s approach to business, money, and savings has bridged the “money gap” between my husband and I. Everyone has a relationship with money, and we bring it with us into our relationships with our partners! My husband and I have different levels of risk tolerance and spending habits so Nicky helped us have money conversations that took into account the peaks and valleys of owning my business.

My hope in highlighting these talented women of color is that:

  1. You’ll consider working with them or you’ll refer business their way
  2. You’ll be intentional about spending money with Black owned businesses, investing in female entrepreneurs, and hiring BIPOC at work
  3. You’ll form your own diverse, personal “board of directors” outside of your corporate organization (invest in yourself!)
  4. You’ll see what’s possible for you and your career when you invest in yourself. I know many of you have a business idea living within you as well!

If you’re curious about the work of any of the fantastic ladies I’ve highlighted here, please reach out to them directly and let them know I sent you their way, or ’d be happy to make a personal introduction for you.

Cheers to supporting worthy women!