Get Recognized & Get Promoted Online Masterclass
An 80-minute masterclass for motivated career women who are ready to confidently sit down with their boss and create an ideal role, compensation package, and future within their company.
Join for only $24
Get Recognized & Get Promoted Online Masterclass
An 80-minute masterclass for motivated career women who are ready to confidently sit down with their boss and create an ideal role, compensation package, and future within their company.
Join for only $24
As a woman in business with talent and passion for your career, I believe you are capable of building a fulfilling, high paying, lucrative career. I know you are ready to start saying no to what isn’t serving you and confidently make a bold ask to be recognized for your contribution at work.
I want you to live from a place where you truly trust in yourself, no matter what happens “to you”. I am ready to give you the tools to make your ask from a place of confidence!
Are you tired of feeling as if you’ve settled in your current role? Do you want to start trusting your intuition and seeing your ideas come to life? Are you over feeling like you need to prove yourself BEFORE getting more?
If you are ready to break through your glass ceiling, create your own path forward and get the answer you desire – whether it’s a promotion, a raise, or something else at work -this is your chance to make bigger impact and be recognized and paid for your contribution!
Imagine it is 3 months from now and you are feeling fulfilled, motivated, and confident at work…
Imagine you’ve claimed your Director level title, a $25,000 or $35,000 raise and you have the authority to implement your ideas across the organization. Imagine this doesn’t require you to work around the clock or take on more responsibilities to prove your value to your organization.
If you are ready to make this your reality, you need:
- To prepare a business case that will gain you the respect you deserve for confidently demonstrating your value to your company.
- The confidence to let go of fears that are holding you back from living an empowered life.
- The HR insider methodology & scripts for you to know exactly what to say to your boss to get a “yes” agreement, ultimately receiving a promotion and raise.
- The self-trust to take action from a place of confidence and to understand why your contribution is enough, and when to walk away.
- The Leadership Skills to operate from your highest potential as a well-respected, authentic, and effective leader.
My clients have negotiated $40,000 raises, pivoted careers and received promotions to Director levels and beyond.
With over 12 years experience as a leader in corporate Human Resources, I know what it takes to be a leader within an organization, how to honor yourself, and make change. I know the power of coaching, of asking for and receiving the support you need to create your ideal career. I know it’s harder to do this alone.
After the ‘Get Recognized & Get Promoted’ Online Masterclass you’ll be equipped with the tools & strategies that can be implemented right away to build a fulfilling, rewarding, and lucrative career.
I know what employers AND employees need to get to a “yes” agreement.
And it all starts with you.
1. Tap into Your Leader Within
Determine what your unique leader looks and feels like if you were operating from your highest potential where you are not afraid to take a risk.
2. Gain Self-Confidence
You’ll realize why your best is enough, how confidence is built, and what makes you valuable in the marketplace to your employer, and worthy of receiving more!
3. Build Your Case
Identify what it is about you and your contribution that makes a difference. Get clear on what it is you IDEALLY want, if your employer were to say “yes” to everything.
4. Make Your Ask
Identify the language needed to start the conversation with your boss. You’ll find out how to articulate your value from a place of confidence, without the fear of potential negative consequences and discover ways to come back from a potential response of “no”.
Once you join the masterclass you’ll be directed to a web page including Online Masterclass & eBook, a free Handling Objections eBook.
I want a promotion, is this masterclass for me?
→ This masterclass is for anyone who is ready to take their career to the next level, whether they are an individual contributor or a current manager
What do I need to bring to the masterclass?
→To prepare come ready, willing, and open to reflect on what’s currently holding you back from having your ideal career
*You will be charged $24 for the Masterclass, no refunds.